It is very natural for an individual to want the perfect body and the perfect shape. But attaining that desired body structure canbe very difficult. So today I will be sharing with you some valuable tips to help manage your weight.
Your weight is determined partly by genetics; some people are born with a tendency toward overweight. But you can control your weight to a considerable degree by limiting how much you eat and getting regular physical activity. There are tons of ways one can manage his/her weight but here are a valuable few;
Listen to your stomach.
When eating listen to your stomach and not your eyes. Learn to stop eating when you are filled. Developing the right perception about being full is a critical step toward reaching your ideal size. Infants know exactly when to cry for food and when to stop taking the feed. Being "full" is actually an uncomfortable feeling. Wanting to get full from eating is an urge that develops later in life due to social pressure and messages from family and peers. Infants feed only until their hunger is satisfied and the stomach is comfortable. You were once an infant too and knew very well how to listen your body signals, but as you grew up, you changed your eating habits to accommodate social norms and emotions. But the good news is that you can get closer to your original instincts once again. You just need to recognize and listen to your body signals.
Avoid junk foods.
Junk food is true to its name! There are often lots of calories from fat and sugar with little nutrient content.Junk food is true to its name! There are often lots of calories from fat and sugar with little nutrient content. Junk food is low in fiber and often full of refined ingredients that justs increases your weight.To be a trim, fit individual and have satisfaction at the same time you need nutrient dense foods. You will be able to eat a large quantity of food without having to eat many calories and will have plenty of nutrients that you need to be fit and healthy.
Adjust bad eating habits.
Try not to go back for seconds, which could eventually lead to the third,fourth and even the fifth round. Display satisfaction as you eat. Be a defensive eater. Learn to stop eating before you feel stuffed.
Secret to success.
Don’t skip meals! If you do, you’ll feel starved and tend to overeat.
Exercise regularly.
Be physically active. Aim for at least 30 minutes of strenuous physical activity (such as fast swimming and running) or an hour of moderate activity (such as walking briskly) on most days -- more if you want to lose weight faster. But protect your feet with well-cushioned supportive shoes. Exercise not only burns calories, but it also builds muscle, or at least prevents muscle loss. This is important because the more muscle you have in relation to fat tissue, the higher your resting metabolism -- the rate at which your body burns energy when you're at rest. And the higher your resting metabolism, the more calories you burn. Exercise also helps prevent insulin resistance, a cause of diabetes and high cholesterol.
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